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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Another Day in Paradise (Santa Fe NM) La Fonda, Chimayo, Cross

In the last week of our research for our Santa Fe Guidebook --- We visited Chimayo (the Sanctuary, ate at Rancho de Chimayo), Santa Fe Opera, hiked up to the Cross of the Martyrs, took drinks on the Bell Tower of La Fonda to watch the sunset.   We had heard from some that the walk up to the cross was steep -- maybe if you are out of shape but it is a nice leisurely, switchback with stops kind of walk.   I did take home some blessed dirt from the Church.  I enjoyed a Santa Fe Pale Ale at La Fonda.  Doesn't get much better guys. 

1 comment:

  1. I have been traveling for years to Chimayo. It is truly a sacred place that I love. Thanks Mark.
